探索我國「傳播媒體內容管制規範之價值體系」- 法學方法與傳播研究接軌的問題
Searching for "Value System in Content Regulation of the Media" in Taiwan: Methodological Problematic in Combining Legal and Communication Research
Does the research of media regulation norms - like legal issues in the other domains - exclusively fall into the field of traditional legal studies? Or, rather constitute those studies contemplated by communication researchers a specialized regime within their discipline and thus can justify marginalizing every legal method in this respect? The author documents some methodological problems that he has experienced in the project "Value System in Content Regulation of the Media". After exposing some underlying weaknesses and shortage of inter-disciplinary co-operation he then categorizes related urging methodological challenges in four groups: (1) overcoming the "heterogeneity" of materials and methods, (2) combination of quality- and quantity-orientated methods, (3) critical stances for observing the domestic activities, and (4) academic basis for inter-disciplinary dialogues.