2015 年初 LINE 推出影音平台 LINE TV,上線未久,即在 Google Play 有超過百萬次下載。本研究運用延伸整合型科技接受模式和數位生活型態,探討使用者採用 LINE TV 因素,及數位生活型態對使用意向的影響。本研究計分析776份問卷,發現績效期望、便利條件、享樂動機和習慣,皆能影響使用意向,使用 意向亦影響使用行為。不同數位生活型態者,使用LINE TV 的意向也有差異。研究結果具行銷意涵,影音串流平台可加強介面設計、內容及提供個人化服務,以提升使用意向。
In early 2015, LINE launches “LINE TV”, a video streaming platform. Within a month, the APP of “LINE TV” has been downloaded for more than one million times. This study uses the concepts from the extended unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) and digital lifestyle to investigate factors that may influence users’ behavioral intention and use behavior of LINE TV. This study conducts a web survey and collects 776 samples. Results show that performance expectancy, facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation and habit all positively predict users’ behavioral intention, which further positively predicts use behavior. Additionally, different digital lifestyles make significant differences on behavioral intention. The findings have implications for marketing. Video streaming platforms may improve their user-interface design and content, as well as provide customized services in order to increase user’s behavioral intention.