自從 Dimmick 與 Rothenbuhler 兩位研究者於 1984 年將生態學中的區位理論引進媒體產業研究之後,至今已超過 30 年。期間雖然累積了不少研究成果,但面對當代媒體生態丕變,實有必要對理論本身進行回顧與省思。本文主要的目的有二。首先,透過「競合」以及「區位建構」的觀點重新檢視 Dimmick 所整理的區位理論以及國內外相關實證研究文獻,針對媒體產業「資源區位」的定義與組成構面進行回顧省思,並提出一些可能的疑慮以及修改或擴充建議。第二,根據前者的修改擴充內容,提出一個媒體產業資源區位的新架構,並討論其學術與實務應用意涵。
More than 30 years has passed since Dimmick and Rothenbuhler introduced in 1984 from the discipline of ecology the theory of niche into the study of media industry, and has accumulated a large and very valuable empirical research database thereafter. However, faced with the sea change in today’s media eco-system, we believe it is also about the time we turn our attention to the applicability of the theory itself. The present paper thus reviews the theory and related literature from the perspectives of “co-opetition” and “niche construction,” and focuses on the conceptualizations and definitions of some niche dimensions, in an attempt to identify possible theoretical inadequacies. Based on these reviews and critiques, the paper continues to propose a new hierarchical structure of niche dimensions by adjusting and extending the original one developed by Dimmick.