本研究旨在探討醫療溝通與衝突,企圖從病人端看醫療衝突發生的原因。本研究之研究問題為「從病人端探討醫療衝突發生的原因與演變過程」。本研究採「個案分析法」作為研究方法,以個案實例探討研究問題。在資料蒐集上以南部某地區醫院為研究對象,蒐集院方 101 年醫療申訴案件紀錄,並將資料依研究目標篩選後,進行分析探討,以便有全面性的了解。
This study was designed to investigate the medical communication and conflict in an attempt to medical reasons from the patient end conflict look. Research questions of this study is "the patient end causes and evolution of medical conflicts." This study adopted "case analysis" as the research methods to investigate a case study examples of problems. On the data collection area to the south of a hospital for the study, collected the hospital records of 101 years of medical complaints, after screening according to research objectives and data was analyzed in order to have a comprehensive understanding.
Study found that when the healing conflict, most of the patients or their families choose to "covert" way to respond to conflict, whether it is desirable for their own medical needs or for illness, injury concerns, many patients or their families will choose to conceal not that the way to confront the conflict between doctors and patients. In addition, since most of the patients or their families within an implicit way to respond to conflict, and therefore feel the time for healing both sides point of conflict is often inconsistent, and further found that health care workers generally feel conflicting time will come later than the patient.