本研究以 2008 年的北京奧運會這一重大傳媒事件為切入點,參考框架理論和議程設置理論,採用內容分析方法,對奧運期間新華社和美聯社的中國報道進行比較分析研究。結合整體研究和個案分析,通過比較報道類別、議題、傾向性、角度、側重點、信息含量等方面的不同,把握奧運背景下中外媒體的傳播內容和方式的特點,反映出不同背景的媒體構建中國國家形象的差異,探討國家形象構建的情況及影響因素,提出改善對外傳播的策略。
National image is interplay of inner and outer factors. Mass media can construct the national image positively or negatively through news texts in the way of agenda-setting or other methods. In some specific cases, the media construction is more obvious which provides good examples for research.
Our study thus targets at the news reports on 2008 Beijing Olympics in Xinhua News Agency and the Associated Press. By comparing them, we are trying to find the different theme, approach and focus between domestic media and foreign media. The factors which have affected the national image will also be illustrated. We hope this research would help China media to construct a better national image.