中國紫光集團要求入股台灣重要產業命脈:半導體上游 IC 設計業,我國經濟部長答應任內開放投資,激起國內輿論正反聲浪的對抗。電資領域學者發起反對連署反對,兩岸官方、台灣產學界乃至政黨紛紛投書媒體,四大報成為雙方意識形態抗爭的重要戰場。
This study first analyzes the news reports of Tsinghua Unigroup’s Acquisition through content analysis, and finds out that informants in different “position” reflect different perspectives. Another focus of this paper is to construct four main cultural hegemonies of policy discourse by frame analysis. The result shows that policy change is due to the interactive effects of three forces: deconstruction, construction and strengthened original structure. Finally, the analysis of the “discourse ability” points out that competitive discourse are embedded in social structure with dominant position of discoursers in policy networks which successfully leads to policy change.