人體乃傳播最原初的源頭,人們會依據當代社會的主流身體規範規訓自己的身體,傳遞背後所代表的價值,也依此形塑自我認同。當前社會認定標準女體的要件中,我們往往都忽略了「沒有體毛」也是一項相當重要的條件。對女人來說,體毛的去留具有相當的政治性,並佔據做女人(being woman)過程的重要戰略位置。本研究藉聚焦台灣女性雷射腋毛的行為,探討女性在規訓身體時,其如何理解社會規範,又其身分認同與理解策略之間的關係。
Human body is the most primal mean of communication, people discipline their body according to body norms of modern society. Body is used to be a message carrier, we change our appearances to express the value that we believe and shape our identification also. While we are familiar with the traits that constitute the "ideal female body" as defined by modern society, we often overlook the fact that "absence of body hair" is also an important trait as such. The women's decision of whether to keep or remove body hair has always had political implications. It is of strategic importance in the process of "being female". This thesis focus on laser hair removal of Taiwan’s women. Explore how does the subject make sense about the norm of hair removal and the relationship between feminine identification and strategy of comprehension.