數位環境帶來新的工作要求,隨之而來的工作負荷量大與工時長,成為台灣記者的工作面貌,處於此工作環境上的記者工作倦怠的情形及其影響如何?本研究以問卷調查成功取得全台 1099 份樣本,結果發現:在倦怠感的三構面中,有七成的記者經常或有時經歷「耗竭」與「譏誚」的情形,但所有的記者並沒有專業效能低落的現象。本研究並以集群分析將工作倦怠情形分成三群:安於現狀、理想熱情、倦怠消極。同時,進一步發現,倦怠消極型中以30-40歲最多,且電視記者佔 50%;理想熱情型則以報紙記者最多。此三群記者在工作滿意度、專業承諾與離職意向上,均有顯著差異,亦即:倦怠感較重的記者工作滿意度與專業承諾較低,離職意向較高。
Technology has changed the news production process, and make journalism more stressful. In Taiwan, journalists are suffering heavier workload and longer worktime. Does it causes burnout? A multiple-item survey was employed using a sample of 1099 Taiwanese journalists between October 10, 2014 and December 31, 2014. The results shows 70% of Taiwanese journalists have experienced higher levels of both exhaustion and cynicism, and low level of reduced professional efficacy. By using cluster analysis, the sample were segmented into three groups. The results shows these three groups are different on their demographic and organization variables, and also different on job satisfaction, professional commitment and turnover intention. This article concludes that reporters with higher level of burnout reported less job satisfaction, diminished professional commitment and much more intention to turnover.