2016年年會論文 -2016總統大選的社群媒體、政治討論與情緒傳播:以周子瑜事件的大數據分析為例
Online communication network for disseminating emotionprovoking event during Taiwanese presidential election 2016: An analysis of online political discussions

本研究探討 2016 年總統大選前一天周子瑜事件如何激發網路情緒反應,促成網路政治討論的民意快速傳播分享,形成什麼新的網路政治輿論。本文將分析社群網路對這個事件的討論和線上參與(分享),如何形成公共議題,以及產生的影響。線上討論和轉傳的質與量能凸顯政治議題的重要性,大數據分析也能提供即時情緒激發與反應的重要觀察。本研究探討選舉期間突發事件對情緒爆發與政治討論的影響,觀察期間為「周子瑜事件」爆發前時迄投票結束後前後十二天、網路民眾如何在網路訊息接收、情緒反應到傳播分享訊息的過程,分析網路輿論在該事件發生前後的發文和分享的起伏變化,及政治討論對選舉的影響。研究發現該事件造成網路上情緒迸發,並透過社群網路的政治串連,影響政治議題的變化。研究主要以線上機制蒐集的網路大數據為依據,未來將可發展網路議題設定、情緒激發的事件和新媒體政治評價關係研究的新模式。


This paper examines how emotional reactions to political events shape public opinion. We analyze political discussions in which people voluntarily engage online to approximate the public agenda: Online discussions offer a natural approach to the salience of political issues and the means to analyze emotional reactions as political events take place in real time. We measure shifts in emotions of the public over a period that includes Taiwan’s presidential election before, during and after during Chou Tsz-yu incident broke out. The uproar over Ms. Chou’s apology was so intense during the president election. Our findings show that emotional reactions to political events help explain rising anger rates for the same period, which casts novel light on the mechanisms that mediate the association between agenda setting and political evaluations. The political cultural context of the country and how it determines emotion sharing in online debate were analyzed. Big data content analysis of Taiwan’s political discussions on Facebook revealed that this sort of oppression from China really upsets people in Taiwan. Provoking the feelings of the public’s political views and anxiety were two significant factors underpinning the high level of political discussion. Additional analyses suggest how the news sources and social media perceived most important issues can have positive correlations between use of Internet sites and interest in political event.

Chou Tsz-yu incident; big data; online political discussion; emotionality, Taiwan