「媒介是人的延伸」這一牽涉到人與媒介之關系的認識論命題,一直以來有不同的解讀。本研究通過文獻爬梳,將這些解讀區分為硬性決定論、軟性決定論、模控學和技術現象學,並試圖以技術現象學的視角來理解這一命題。本研究初步點出了媒介研究與技術現象學的先驅,及技術現象學者 Don Ihde 等人或多或少的聯系,認為以直面技術本身的現象學,來處理人與媒介的關系問題之取徑,是一种值得媒介研究者關注的视角。
“Media is an extension of man”, which is a epistemological statement concerning the relationship between human and media, is interpreted in various ways by different researchers. By reviewing the literature, the study distinguish these interpretations into hard determinism, soft determinism, cybernetics and phenomenology of technology, and try to understand the statement with the perspective of phenomenology of technology. The study reveals the substantial connection exist in media study and phenomenology of technology, and it is deserved to be noticed that we can adopt this perspective to study the relationship between human and media.