The front pages ’ visual differences of China Times, United Daily News, and the Liberty Times before and after the publication of Apple Daily News in Taiwan: A competitive implications
Apple Daily News, a controversial but stylish newspaper, have published on May 2 2003. The impact on Taiwan Big Three newspapers is the topic of this study. After sampling and coding these four papers ’ front pages by content analysis, I compared their visual and graphic materials on the front pages each to each and tried to find the similarities and differences between them. The results showed that the visual and graphic materials of Apple Daily News are significantly more than which of other three papers; even they tried to copy the Apple-Style before the day of the publication. Moreover, I found the Liberty Times still kept on redesigning their front pages, and instead, the other two papers recovered to their traditional styles gradually after the day of Apple came to Taiwan.
isomorphism, front-page design, newspaper industry, competitive advantage, Apple Daily News