The internet friends making world of elementary school students-Taking the regions of Chiayi and Tainan elementary school student as example
This research tries to understand elementary school students ’ motivations of internet friends making, experiences and the perspectives of internet friends making by qualitative in-depth interview. Research indicates that elementary school student would like to make friends through the internet because of boredom, receiving net pal ’s help in on-line games, the popularity of having net pals in their classes and they are allowed to say everything on line. They know net pals in the places of on-line chatrooms and the on-line games. In addition to normal chat topics , elementary school students unbosom themselves and tell their secrets easily since the internet has anonymous capability. Moreover, elementary school students clearly realize that internet friends making is not awful if they hold the principles of not going to tell their personal details and not going to meet anyone.
elementary school students, palling friends on internet, interpersonal relationships