From the "fans of mass commercial goods" to "political fans": A primary inquiry on the political fans ’ practice and meaning in everyday life
Since the martial law ended in 1987, local culture in Taiwan has grown by degrees into institutional situation. It not only constituted a local party, a national newspaper, and a local TV station but also won the presidential election in 2000. From the illegal position to the legitimate status, this "Green Storm" has indeed aroused a local identification with the Taiwan people successfully. Politics is no longer a taboo, on the contrary, it has become a practice and identity in everyday life. However, it has also arisen the conflict between ethnic groups and the North-vs.-South areas. Then, obviously, there comes a special die-hard group that shows a great loyalty to the different parties, candidates, or even ideologies. We may call them "Political Fans". Nevertheless, most of the fan studies still concentrate on popular culture or mass commercial goods. As the result, based on the previous fan studies as an analysis framework, this paper attempts to analyze the "Political Fans", and attempts to conceptualize and theorize the meaning of the "Political Fans".
lifestyle politics, political fans, fan culture, popular program