2006年年會論文 -舞影者:台灣戰後攝影記者習癖與品味的形構
The formation of habitus and taste of Taiwan ’s photojournalists after 1949
According to Newton ’s First Law of Motion, an object remains at rest or in motion with a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force.
Borrowing this irony law from the Science, the future developments of media and mass communication would remain in the same state if isolated around the same circle of optimistic and function-driven modern communication theories, unless an external force to be acted upon, which I will consider to be sociological or even philosophical critical analysis on the culture, society and further from those of social activist.
This paper based on the contemporary cultural and critical theories would tend to study the domestic media by the qualitative based research, in which the photojournalist would be its case studies.
Most of the recent domestic media researches had been still dominated by a concern with a familiar “hypodermic model” of media effects- the account of the functioning of the mass media and to its receivers, which is ignoring the critical analysis on the cultural and politico-economic background at its first place by its quantity-based-only research.
Furthermore, the qualitative studies on the crucial role-players of reporters, as audience, information supplier and the media gateway keeper within such a complexity of mass communication, were mostly to be ignored.
To run up against such "magic bullet" models, this paper provides a creative investigation of the formation of habitus and taste by studying the three generations of Taiwan ’s photojournalists after 1949. It resorts to cultural and qualitative studies of their struggles within the working place and society both for the work as journalist and the profession as photographer. The studies shed light directly on distinctions between the generations, as they are led toward a critical analysis of habitus-media-relations, which is profoundly driven by social, political and economic factors.
photojournalist, photography, media, habitus, taste, journalistic field, cultural reproduction, labor alienation